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- Why Do Vaxxed People Get Infected ... Explained
Why Do Vaxxed People Get Infected ... Explained
Whatever anyone is claiming, whatever it is, the reality on the ground is that there are loads of people who are vaccinated against COVID-19, and they still get infected. Much more then the risk group (10% of the vaccinated might get infected). The deficiency for the mRNA vaccine is about 90%, they claim.
The million dollar question is why?
The answer to that question is actually very simple. The mRNA vaccine is designed only to reduce the severity of the sickness coronavirus might cause. The mRNA vaccine does NOT kill the coronavirus. Here you can read about the more detailed explanation about the mRNA vaccine.
The reason why the designers of the mRNA vaccine designed it that way is to reduce the number of hospitalization (severity of the CORONA-19 sickness) and death. And they indeed succeeded with that, those numbers went down indeed after the vaccines were available. But what they didn't intend to happen was that the CORONA-19 viruses continues to exist and would not "go away". The pandemic continues.
And that's the reason why vaccinated people still can get infected, just like the unvaccinated people.
How do we know the real truth?
When you read the newspapers or watch news programs on TV or read the news on the Internet, you get informed that everyone needs to be vaccinated, otherwise the pandemic will not go away. That's the mainstream media. In the Internet, you have a larger variety of news, and there are sources, which states a total different picture. The truth is that it is simple to proof that they are wrong about vaccines protecting the people against COVID-19. Let the results speak for itself, you don't need to read any scientific papers or listen to anyone to see if vaccines work or not. You simply look at countries, which have a high rate of vaccinations to see if the vaccinations indeed work.
Let's look at Gibraltar. In Gibraltar, (more then) 99% of the people are vaccinated. Good job, Gibraltar. But they experience right now an explosion of newly infected people with COVID-19! And all of them are vaccinated!
Lets look Iceland, UK and Israel. The vast majority of the populations are vaccinated. And here they have also a huge explosion of newly infected people with COVID-19!
Look at Europe. They have an increase of 56.18% COVID-19 infections. To compare it with Africa, they have a much less increase of 6.39%! North America has a 57.01% increase! And Asia has a 50.43% increase and Oceania has an increase of 46.89%!
It's actually becoming clear, that how more vaccinations, how more infections.
It's also clear that countries with the least number of vaccinations, they also have the least number of new infections.
What does Israel do to hide these numbers and this trend? They changed the definition of vaccinated and unvaccinated. They defined that those who are vaccinated are those who received their three jabs, otherwise you're unvaccinated. It's a way to suggest to the Israeli population that the unvaccinated people are at fault for the sharp increase of infections.
You see these trends everywhere in the world. You can see that here, here and here. The conclusion is that the actual facts on the ground tells a total different picture.
Why should I be vaccinated?
Before I make the decision to receive an experimental vaccine, let's see if it works. Let's looks to those countries, which have a high rate of infections, like Gibraltar with 99% of its population vaccinated. If the mainstream media is right, they would be pandemic free, not? The opposite is true.
Someone or something lies!
To see if vaccinations do protect anyone from infections from the coronavirus is simply looking at the country-based results and that tells everyone that a mRNA vaccine does or doesn't protect me or anyone else of (re-)infection of the coronavirus. But the mainstream media claim the opposite, without any proof. The same claims are published from governments and health organizations. Do they lie?
Let's ask you a ridiculous question. If the mainstream media, governments and health organizations tell you to jump from a cliff, because it's healthy, are you going to jump from the cliff?
If medicine X cures one million people of a disease, and after two months the CDC suddenly claims that medicine X doesn't cure, but kills people, who do you believe? Do you believe your own eyes or some statement from the CDC which tells the opposite?
That's exactly what happened in India. There are almost 1.4 billion people living there and COVID-19 hit the country hard. To receive and treat everyone with COVID-19 vaccine is a huge undertaking. Plus, the Indian authorities observed the results of those already vaccinated were bad; it didn't give them any protection against a new infection of COVID-19! The Indian authorities decided to use Ivermectin as treatment for new cases of COVID-19 infections with an astonishing success!
And the question of how much of India was vaccinated? Only 45% (16% fully vaccinated).
Certain highly populated States in India are even "pandemic free" declared. And if you ask the American CDC, or any European CDC, or the Israelis or any other western health organization, or the mainstream media, they are claiming it's all a lie, not true, they are treating people with a horse medicine, etc. Again, the cure for discovering who's lying is by simply looking at the facts. Who cares what India used to drastically reduce the COVID-19 infections, as long as it works, use that. Finally, other facts. Let's talk about new infections, death and vaccines worldwide per continent and see the connection yourself between new cases (infections) and vaccines.
Africa with the least vaccinations, they have also the least infections. I expect that in near and far future, and I assume you can do the same looking at the data, those countries or continents, which counts a high number of vaccinations, you get also a high number of infections, which appear in waves.
Let's tell it how it really is. We're all more than one and half year in this pandemic and until now, we've developed (mainly mRNA type of) vaccines, and we still don't see any difference in the number of new infections. As you can see above, the new infections come and go in waves. Each wave takes between the three and four month and we get another wave.
If it was up to me, I would indeed invested in developing the mRNA vaccines (for those with problematic immunity systems (young and old) for whatever reason, and I would have developed the conservative vaccines, which kills the coronavirus when it enters the vaccinated body. I would also research the use of other ways to stop the pandemic, like certain medicine like Ivermectin or anything what might help.
The health organizations and institutions, governments and mainstream media put an enormous effort in forcing people to vaccinate in countries with already a high rate of vaccinations, and with no different results. Instead of focusing on those countries with a few or no vaccinations, they are manipulating their own populations. From late 2020, there is no global improvement seen or noticed in battling the daily new infections of COVID-19. That means for 12 months they are not showing any improvement in the fight against the pandemic, vaccines or not. It's about time that the world changes tactics or strategy to get rid of the pandemic.