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- Why Vaccinated People are More Dangerous than Not Vaccinated People
Why Vaccinated People are More Dangerous than Not Vaccinated People
In a previous article (more vaccine, more infections), the current scientific discoveries have detected an unexpected trend, which changes everything what we thought about vaccines and the COVID-19 virus, that the big majority of those who infect others with COVID-19 are those who are already vaccinated. The question is how to explain it for an average person.
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What is a virus? That's the first question in order to understand the behavior of the virus. What is the mRNA vaccine? That's the second question for the understanding what this vaccine actually does.
What's a virus?
Viruses are the most common biological entities on earth.There are about 1.0E+31 Quintillion viruses on earth. The size of a virus is measured between 50 nm to 140 nm (1 nm (nanometre) = 0.000000001 meter). They are equipped to invade the cells of other organisms and hijack them to reproduce themselves. It's the only way how viruses can exist. Because a virus can't capture and store energy by itself, you can say that a virus isn't alive, but I disagree personally (it's a philosophical question). The virus, when outside a cell, wraps itself into an independent particle called a virion. The virion can “survive” in the environment for a certain period of time, which means it remains structurally intact and is capable of infecting a suitable organism if one comes into contact. When a virion attaches to a suitable host cell – this depends on the protein molecules on the surfaces of the virion and the cell – it is able to penetrate the cell. Once inside, the virus “hacks” the cell to produce more virions. The virions make their way out of the cell, usually destroying it in the process, and then head off to infect more cells. That's the life-cycle of a virus.
What is the mRNA vaccine?
The mRNA vaccine is a new type of vaccine.There are totally six types of vaccines:
Inactivated vaccines
Live-attenuated vaccines
Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines
Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines
Toxoid vaccines
Viral vector vaccines
In layman terms, this vaccine will take care that it gets triggered the moment that a specific COVID-19 virus tries to enter a cell. A mRNA vaccine takes care that the virus can't penetrate the cell, and in this way it can't duplicate itself within the host (the body of the person).
The more technical explanation is: mRNA vaccines make proteins in order to trigger an immune response. mRNA vaccines have several benefits compared to other types of vaccines, including shorter manufacturing times and, because they do not contain a live virus, no risk of causing disease in the person getting vaccinated.
The reason why vaccinated people don't get sick is because there is no buildup of the virus in the body and it doesn't damage or destroy cells. The result is less hospitalizations, less death and less severe symptoms.
What's the problem?
Two main issues. Here is the first one:
The mRNA vaccine is new (and experimental). That means that there are many issues, which are unknown and there are new issues being discovered practically each day. That's the reason why you see so many publications.
New research has indicated that the mRNA vaccine is 'leaking'.
There are more and more reports published about side effects, which are more severe and more in common caused by the vaccine then was foreseen.
Pharmaceutical companies are pushing for more sales for their vaccines and they tend to manipulate the data (inflate) (like not reporting the complete numbers, etc.).
Politicians use the vaccines for their own reasons, which have nothing to do with the health of the population or the vaccines. They also rely on old reports and they even double down the measures or restrictions based on those.
The second main problem is based on the success of the mRNA vaccine. I mean the effect of those who are infected. The mRNA vaccine is designed not to make people sick and that's exactly what is happening.
But .......
The success of the mRNA vaccine produces an unwanted side effect. Here follows the breakdown of the life-cycle of the COVID-19 virus in a vaccinated person.
The COVID-19 virus enters the body of the host
The COVID-19 virus isn't detected
The COVID-19 virus tries to enter a cell
The mRNA vaccine will detect the effort and disables that ability only for the COVID-19 virus
The COVID-19 virus stays in the body of the host in high concentrations
The body of the host can and will infect others
Here follows the life-cycle of the COVID-19 virus in a not vaccinated person, but who has (natural) immunity (for example, who was once infected)
The COVID-19 virus enters the body of the host
The COVID-19 virus is detected
The COVID-19 virus is being attacked by the immunity system
The COVID-19 virus is killed
The same life-cycle of the person who has (natural) immunity will happen with a conventional vaccine (with live vaccines). Summarizing, the mRNA vaccine doesn't kill the COVID-19 virus, while the other types of vaccines do kill it. The result is logical. What goes into the body also goes out of the body.
Can a (mRNA) vaccinated person be infected with the COVID-19 virus?
Yes of course. The way how the the life-cycle of the COVID-19 vaccine works, it doesn't stop the virus by itself, it only avoid that the virus can enter a cell to duplicate itself. The other question you can ask is can a person with (natural) immunity be infected with the COVID-19 virus? No. At the moment the virus enters the body, it gets attacked and will be killed.
Who forms the biggest risk to spreading the COVID-19 virus?
Before the latest researches were performed, the scientific community assumed that the unvaccinated people were the biggest risk to spread the COVID-19 virus. And can we proof that? That was more than a month ago. The proof is in the results. With other words, countries (in the world) or States (in the US) with the highest number of vaccinations have the least number of new infections or cases. Again, that was more than a month ago. Is that true? No. Today, the truth is that countries (in the world) or States (in the US) with the highest number of vaccinations have the highest number of new infections or cases.
It's at this moment so bad, that the majority of the infected people are those who were vaccinated! And the majority of those who die because of COVID-19 are those who were vaccinated!
Many governments and health authorities define or classify those who didn't receive the three jabs (in Israel), they are classified as not vaccinated (even when they received the first or second jab). In the US, even those with natural immunity must take the two jabs!
How is that possible? As I wrote before, the mRNA vaccine is victim of its own success. It successfully blocks the ability of the COVID-19 virus to duplicate itself (penetrating a cell of a person) to make the person less sick (or not sick at all), and so less hospitalizations and less death. And that's exactly what it did. The proof is in the results (and numbers). But ....... Even when the COVID-19 vaccine lessens the hospitality- and death rate, it doesn't kill the virus. So the virus jumps from this host to other hosts. The vaccinated and infected person becomes a super spreader of the COVID-19 virus .
What happens when the health authorities decide more vaccines, more jabs, the third or fourth jab or even the fifth?
I assume that you can guess what's going to happen. How more vaccines, how more COVID-19 infections, and how more people die and get permanently hurt because of the mRNA vaccines. The last FDA Hearing showed this clearly that medical specialists stated that more vaccinations is a very bad idea. In countries like Israel and the United States, they tend to double down their vaccination campaigns. Israel went even further and took a huge risk by nationally approve the third jab, while it wasn't even approved by the FDA! In countries like Australia and New Zealand they use totalitarian methods to force people to be vaccinated. All of them base their pandemic fighting policies on old research, when they assumed that the mRNA vaccine was the only answer to end the pandemic. The truth (according to the newest research and the actual results of infections versus vaccinations tells now a different story, which actually indicates that implementing mRNA vaccinations over a whole population is a really bad idea.
What is the right answer to end the pandemic?
Don't tell me that there are no other alternatives! Because there are. Here are the options how I see them.
Continue with the mRNA vaccinations as they do now. This is likely causing unnecessary death and permanent hurt to many people and the COVID-19 virus will stay with us forever.
The other extreme is stop vaccinations (maybe except for those with weak or problematic immune systems and those with serious underlying ailments), and build natural immunity.
That's not possible, because those who had their vaccine (1st, 2nd or 3rd jab), can't receive any natural immunity because of the mRNA vaccine.
It's a cruel method and is likely to cause panic throughout the populations, who are actually brainwashed by the health authorities, media, pharmaceutic companies and governments.
Use alternative treatments against COVID-19 virus like Ivermectin.
The 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India has now become free from COVID-19 government informed on Friday (September 17, 2021). The recovery rate has increased up to 98.7% proving the effectiveness of Ivermectin.
Because of political reasons, mainstream media, health authorities, governments and pharmaceutic companies have tried to suppress information about Ivermectin for a while, but with little effect (currently, Ivermectin is used for about 28% of the world’s population).
Ivermectin covers 36% of all COVID-19 treatments in the world.
It covers 28% of the world population, 2.2 billion people.
The results of treatment with Ivermectin is excellent and will end the pandemic when it is used instead of the mRNA vaccines.
The costs of Ivermectin is a fraction compared with the mRNA vaccines. And Ivermectin is everywhere available in the world.
When you compare the results between Ivermectin and the mRNA vaccines, the following:
The massive use of mRNA vaccines increases the infections and people die or get permanently hurt by its side effects
The massive use of Ivermectin decreases the infections after a couple of weeks and nobody dies or get hurt in any way.
Well, I've said what I wanted to say and tried to explain the current issues with the mRNA vaccines and its use. My point is that the world as we know it, isn't flexible enough to cope with the changed reality about the pandemic and the mRNA vaccines. This will cause more death and destruction and a future, which is dark and unlivable. And there are alternatives. But I assume that we wait until the whole issue will crash around us. We will see what the international community responds.