UPDATED: Genocide

Genocideis the systematic destruction of people, belonging to a group, nationality, religion or race.

The UN list of genocides (16 at this moment (August 2014)) with almost 30 million people killed is not complete. I need to note that the large (by numbers) genocides are performed by the Mongols (in the year 1200 and after) where 50-70 million people died and Stalin with hisgenocide, killing 43-60 million people! Mongolian killings and genocides were used as a strategy in war. If a town did not surrender, everyone (except two persons, who were released the spread the message (just like ISIS)) would be killed in the most dreadful way as possible. A strategy copied by ISIS by the way. Stalin's killing and genocide were ordered with the purpose to make large changes in the USSR, to enable it producing enough food for the population (he failed). Hitler's killings and genocides were a systematical campaign to kill 11 million people, like the Jews, Communists, Gypsies and many others. The US genocide to the native Indians was a systematical campaign to free the Indian lands. Turkey's multiple genocides of the Greeks and Armenians were part of the carnage during and after the first World War. Other genocides were performed by various parties, performed in incredible indescribable cruelty. Armenian Genocide. Ottoman government's systematic extermination of its minority Armenian subjects from their historic homeland within the territory constituting the present-day Republic of Turkey. 1.5 million people died.

The following lists of genocides (from 1804 until now) (chronologically ordered):

  1. White Haitians (1804) - Aggressor: Haiti. Victims: French Creoles. The 1804 Haiti Massacre was a genocide, which was carried out against the remaining white population of French Creoles (or Franco-Haitians) in Haiti by the black population. 5,000 people died.

  2. Native Americans (1830s) - Aggressor: US. Victims: Indians. Forced relocation of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830. 46,000 people were reallocated.

  3. Assyrian(1890s – 1925) - Aggressor: Turks. Victims: Assyrian, Armenian and Greeks. Mass slaughter of the Assyrian population of the Ottoman Empire during the 1890s and the First World War, in conjunction with the Armenian and Greek genocides. 400,000 people died.

  4. Herero and Namaqua(1904 – 1907) - Aggressor: South Africa. Victims: Herero and Nama people. A campaign of racial extermination and collective punishment that the government of German South-West Africa (modern-day Namibia) undertook against the Herero and Nama people. It is considered to have been the first genocide of the 20th century. 110,000 people died.

  5. Greek(1914 – 1923) - Aggressor: Turkey. Victims: Greeks. The systematic ethnic cleansing of the Christian Ottoman Greek population from its historic homeland in Asia Minor, central Anatolia, Pontus, and the former Russian Caucasus province of Kars Oblast during World War I and its aftermath (1914–23). 900,000 people died.

  6. Armenian(1915 – 1923) - Aggressor: Turkey. Victims: Armenians. Armenian Holocaust, the Armenian Massacres and, traditionally by Armenians, as Medz Yeghern was the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of its minority Armenian subjects from their historic homeland within the territory constituting the present-day Republic of Turkey. 1.5 million people died.

  7. Holodomor(1932 – 1933) - Aggressor: Communist USSR. Victims: Ukrainians. The Holodomor was an orchestrated famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. 7.5 million people died.

  8. The Holocaust (1941 – 1944) - Aggressor: Nazi Germany. Victims: Jews, Gipsies, Homosexual, Slavs, mentally and physically disabled and members of other groups and Communists. The Holocaust was a genocide in which approximately eleven million people, including six million Jews, were killed by the German military, under the command of Adolf Hitler, and its collaborators. Killings took place throughout the German Reich and German-occupied territories. 11 million people died.

  9. Bangladesh(1971) - Aggressor: Pakistan. Victims: Bangladesh. The genocide in Bangladesh began on 26 March 1971 with the launch of Operation Searchlight, as West Pakistan began a military crackdown on the Eastern wing of the nation to suppress Bengali calls for self-determination. During the nine-month long Bangladesh war for independence, members of the Pakistani military and supporting militias killed between 300,000–3,000,000 people and raped between 200,000–400,000 Bangladeshi women in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape. 3 million people died.

  10. Cambodian(1975 – 1979) - Aggressor: Communist Khmer Rouge. Victims: Cambodia. In Cambodia, a genocide was carried out by the Communist Khmer Rouge regime led by Pol Pot between 1975 and 1979 in which one and a half to three million people were killed.

  11. Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992 – 1995) - Aggressor: Bosnian Serbs. Victims: Bosnia. The term Bosnian Genocide refers to either genocide at Srebrenica and Žepa committed by Bosnian Serb forces in 1995 or the ethnic cleansing campaign throughout areas controlled by the Army of the Republika Srpska that took place during the 1992–1995 Bosnian War. About 8400 people died.

  12. Rwandan(1994) - Aggressor: Huti. Victims: Tutsi. The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7, 1994 to mid-July, an estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed. One million people died.

  13. Darfur(2003 – 2010) - Aggressor: Sudan. Victims: Darfur's nin-Arab population. The War in Darfur is a major armed onslaught in the Darfur region of Sudan. It began in February 2003 when the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and Justice and Equality Movement rebel groups took up arms against the government of Sudan, which they accused of oppressing Darfur's non-Arab population. The government responded to attacks by carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Darfur's non-Arabs. Almost 500000 people died until now.

  14. Second Assyrian (2014 –) - Aggressor: ISIS. Victims: Assyrian/Syriac people. Persecution of Assyrians by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant refers to the persecution of the Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac people within Iraq and Syria by the Jihadist organization Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) following it's takeover of parts of Northern Iraq in 2014. Hundreds of thousands of people have died until now.

  15. Yazidi(2014 –) - Aggressor: ISIS. Victims: Yazidi. Yazidi persecution by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant refers to the massacres and persecution during a forced conversion campaign of the Yazidi population in Northern Iraq by the militant organization Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL). 500 people died (until now).

  16. 28,969,900 people have died because of genocide.

Holocaust - genocide in which approximately eleven million people, including six million Jews, were killed by the German military, under the command of Adolf Hitler, and its collaborators.

Genocide by Stalin

Overview of democide (numbers in millions)

Note Democide is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R.J. Rummel as "the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder."

Even when it is not declared genocide by the UN and does not appear in their lists, it was genocide for sure. Georgian historian Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev published a paper in 1989 at the weekly tabloid Argumenti i Fakti the following details.

  1. Russia(1927-1929) - Aggressor: Russia. Victims: Russian population. - Imprisoned or exiled. Almost 1 million people died.

  2. Russia(1927-1929) - Aggressor: Russia. Victims: Russian peasants. - 9 to 11 million peasants forced off their lands and another 2  to 3 million peasants arrested or exiled in the mass collectivization program. Almost 14 million people died.

  3. Russia(1932-1934) - Aggressor: Russia. Victims: Russian population. - Artificial famine. Almost 6-7 million people died

  4. Russia (1935) - Aggressor: Russia. Victims: Population of Moscow and Leningrad. - 1 million people died.

  5. Russia (1937-1938) - Aggressor: Russia. Victims: Russian population. - ''Great Terror'' - 1 million people executed

  6. Russia (1937-1938) - Aggressor: Russia. Victims: Russian population. - Millions dispatched to forced labor camps. - 4 to 6 million people died

  7. Russia (1937-1938) - Aggressor: Russia. Victims: Russian population. - Forcibly relocated during World War II. - 10 to 12  million people died.

  8. Russia (1947-1953) - Aggressor: Russia. Victims: Russian population. - Millions arrested for various “political crimes”. - 1  million people died

  • 43,000,000 people have died because of genocide by Stalin in Russia

  • 71,969,900 people have died because of genocide totally 


Genocide by the Mongolians

The minimum and least accounted state of deaths of people during the Mongolian conquests amounts to minimum 30 million and up to 50 or even 70 million people (might have) died under the Mongolian Empire.

  • The Mongols offered cities to surrender before they would be all killed (David Nicolle, The Mongol Warlords: Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, Hulegu, Tamerlane (2004) p. 21).

  • The aim was spreading terror throughout the world. The Mongols would kill anyone, except skilled engineers and artisans.

  • The total population in Persia droppedfrom 2,500,000 to 250,000 as a result of the Mongol terror and killings.

  • Chinese dynasties had approximately 120 million inhabitants; after the conquest was completed in 1279, the 1300 census reported roughly 60 million people.

  • About half the population of Russia may have died during the Mongol invasion of Rus.

  • Historians estimate that up to half of Hungary's population of two million were victims of the Mongol invasion of Europe.

  • Catapulting diseased corpses over city walls to infect the population. The use of such infected bodies during the siege of Caffa is alleged to have brought the Black Deathto Europe by some sources

Note ISIS is obviously copying (parts of) the strategy the Mongols were using.

The following lists of genocides (from 2000 until now):

  1. Darfur(2003 – 2010) - Aggressor: Sudan. Victims: Darfur's nin-Arab population. The War in Darfur is a major armed onslaught in the Darfur region of Sudan. It began in February 2003 when the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and Justice and Equality Movement rebel groups took up arms against the government of Sudan, which they accused of oppressing Darfur's non-Arab population. The government responded to attacks by carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Darfur's non-Arabs. Almost 500000 people died until now.

  2. Second Assyrian (2014 –) - Aggressor: ISIS. Victims: Assyrian/Syriac people. Persecution of Assyrians by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant refers to the persecution of the Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac people within Iraq and Syria by the Jihadist organization Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) following it's takeover of parts of Northern Iraq in 2014. Hundreds of thousands of people have died until now.

  3. Yazidi(2014 –) - Aggressor: ISIS. Victims: Yazidi. Yazidi persecution by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant refers to the massacres and persecution during a forced conversion campaign of the Yazidi population in Northern Iraq by the militant organization Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL). 500 people died (until now).

Countries/Groups/Organizations performing genocide

  • Haiti in 1804

  • United States in 1830

  • Turkey in 1890-1925.

  • South Africa in 1904-1907

  • Turkey again in 1914-1923 (Greeks)

  • Turkey again in 1915-1923 (Armenians)

  • Communistic USSR in 1932-1933

  • Nazi Germany in 1941-1944

  • Pakistan in 1971

  • Cambodia Khmer Rouge in 1975-1979

  • Bosnia Serbs in 1992-1995

  • Rwanda Huti in 1994

  • Sudan Darfur in 2003-2010

  • Iraq and Syria ISIS in 2014

  • Iraq ISIS in 2014 again