The Truth about COVID-19 Pandemic

There are many stories out there in the Internet and newspapers about COVID-19, but many of those reports are contradicting each other and knowing the truth, many of them are absolutely wrong. Here is the detailed overview about the actual facts about COVID-19 with references.

Fatality rate

The fatality rate (those who die from Corona) is between 0.1% - 0.5% in most countries (source). This fatality rate is comparable with the influenza pandemics of 1936, 1957 and 1968 (source).

Who are at the highest risk to die?

Te average (median) age of COVID death is 80 (source). In the US this is 75. From those who died, 95% had serious health issues (source). This is comparable with normal mortality (like before COVID-19 pandemic) (source).

50% Of all COVID-19 deaths occurred in nursing homes

In many western countries, 50% of all COVID-19 deaths occurred in nursing homes (source), which were not prepared and protected enough against the pandemic.

Increased mortality

The pandemic caused between 5%-25% more deaths (source). Above that, an additional 25% more deaths (source) were caused as a result of lock downs and general medical restrictions (e.g. fewer treatments (source) of cancer and heart attack patients).

Antibodies for COVID-19

The presence of antibodies was between 10% - 30% in most western countries (source). In order to decrease the infection rate, more than 30% antibodies are required (source).


From all infected people, 30% don't show any symptoms (source). From the 70% infected, 95% shows mild or moderate symptoms and don't need to be hospitalized (source).

Transmission of the COVID-19 virus

The biggest transmission of the COVID-19 virus takes place indoors (source). The least chance of infection is outdoors (source). The COVID-19 virus high season occurred in the northern hemisphere during the months November until April (source).

Usage of masks to protect against infection of the COVID-19 virus

There is no evidence that the masks protect against the COVID-19 virus (source). The mandatory masks, implemented and enforced in many countries, couldn't stop or contain the pandemic (source). If the masks were improperly used, it would increase the infections (source).


There is a rapidly declining effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines all over the world (source). More and more serious health problems and deaths are reported with the use of vaccines, even young people and children fall increasingly victim (source). Previous infected and recovered cases from COVID-19 offer a much better protection against COVID-19 and its variants (source).

The Israeli data shown above indicates that effectiveness against infection and mild symptoms decreases rapidly over time and reaches near-zero levels after about half a year. Most likely, this is because COVID-19 vaccines do not achieve mucosal immunity (in contrast to natural infection) and serum antibody levels (i.e. antibodies in the blood) decrease within months

Thus, the false promise of very high protection against “symptomatic infection”, found during official vaccine trials, was simply based on very high short-term serum antibody levels mimicking mucosal immunity. From an immunological perspective, this was not a lasting protective effect.

And finally, there is a strong doubt about the reports about which variant is currently dominant. Determining which variant is currently causing the infection is long, difficult and expensive. So I doubt that the health authorities know what variant currently is dominant.


Lockdowns had (and have) no effect on the pandemic (source).