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The Stories behind the News
It's really sad what's going on in the world and if you read a newspaper, Internet or watch on TV, you might be wondering what's going on!? We going here on a small journey throughout the world and see where it will lead us, not? But I'm not only showing you what's in the newspapers, but beyond and behind it as well, till all the gory details.
Clashes between Palestinians and Israel Currently, there are clashes reported between the Israeli army, police and the Palestinians. Then there are the stabbing attacks from Palestinian boys and girls, women and men directed at Israeli citizens. [gallery type="square" size="full" ids="4752,4753" orderby="rand"] In the background we see the loudly screeching, howling Palestinian President Abbas, stirring up the hate and disdain of Jews and Israelis, and pushes the masses to murder and perform terror and sending Palestinian children, women and men to do his dirty work. It's obvious that he's looking for a political gain by sending out children to be killed. He himself sits with his wide behind somewhere in his luxurious bungalow, safe, sound and with loads of money enjoying life and his status in the world.
The Palestinian President Abbas is inciting the Palestinian masses and trying to heat up the whole region trying to increase the terror, fear and destruction, resulting in death and wounded from his own people and the Israelis without any restraint. The Internet is full with reports (tens of thousands of them only the last month) about his incitement, but nobody seems to care! Netanyahu seems not to be able to sleep because of the stabbing terror from Palestinian women and children and he is currently considering what he's going to do against the whole thing. It can go many ways, unilateral moves hoping the stabbing terror will slow down or stop, or move in and tap Abbas on his stubborn, hotheaded head.
A picture taken on August 16, 2015 shows dead bodies laying on the ground following air strikes by Syrian government forces on a marketplace in the rebel-held area of Douma, east of the capital Damascus. At least 70 people were killed and 200 people were injured, with the death toll -most of them civilians- likely to rise as many of the wounded were in serious condition, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. AFP PHOTO / ABD DOUMANYABD DOUMANY/AFP/Getty Images If that's not enough, we have the next one, happening next door. Here we can read about the multiple genocides, shadow wars being fought and who knows how many different groups and armies fighting each other.
Refugees in Turkey In this hell on earth and failure of the international community, we see four millions of mostly Syrian refugees in countries surrounding Syria, like Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, which are suffering because of the overload of people in their societies.
Arab slaves
In these countries, specifically in the refugee camps, amazing business is being performed, very profitable. Slavery and women- and children trade are flourishing here. For a couple of dollars you can buy a suitable woman or a couple of girls, or even boys. Another trade is flourishing and that's the trade of documents, falsifications or not. Any refugee can buy for a couple of thousands of dollars some good documents, supporting that they are real refugees and not some economical refugees. And another trade is happening here and that's the trade of the wedding counselors, focused on Turkey. In the Islam, it's possible to own several women and in Turkey that's not an exception. Wedding counselor companies are popping up everywhere in Turkey, where potential grooms can choose women from catalogs.
The authorities of Turkey are keeping a tight eye on the refugee camps, so that refugees are not wondering off. But that doesn't mean that money can be earned with trade in women, children and brides for Turkey, not?
Refugees in Jordan In Jordan, it's a bit different. The Jordan government took care that the refugee camps were far away of the population centers and the Jordan population is much more different then the Turkey's one. Human trafficking is here not the fashion, but document falsifications as here the order of the day as well.
Refugees in Lebanon In Lebanon the situation is much different. It's already a small country with a majority of Shiite Muslims, but now with the huge flood of refugees from Syria, mainly Sunni Muslims, the balance of this country is being disturbed. And those refugees are spreading allover Lebanon instead of being locked up in camps like you see in Turkey and Jordan!
And then we have the UN. They truly help the refugees and built nice, pretty refugee camps with good tents and food, showers and eve medical help. But there is no money for security, they suppose to deliver to the refugees. With as results, that certain individuals are running the security and that means safeguarding the trade in slaves, women, children and brides.
Refugees within Syria We are not finished with the news from Syria, though. Next to the refugees outside the country, we have more interesting news. Half of the Syrian population is displaced and millions are on the run within Syria, and they can't find a way out, because most of the borders are now closed or almost closed. And that's not the end of it, because our new "Russian hero Putin with his shiny airplanes are bombing the terrorists ... and anything and everything else as well ... resulting in the fact that he's actually stirring up more trouble, more death and an additional million more refugees to begin with (and likely to increase soon)."He bombs the ISIS indeed, but only 20% of his bombing raid. The rest (80%) he is dividing playing the personal and private air force for the Iranians and Syrian troops.
Barrel bombs Then we have the massacres of the Syrian population by it's own government from 2011 until now, which results in more then 350,000 death. And our dear, everyone's favorite President Assad of Syria is trying to invent cheap and productive ways to perform mass-killings, like gas and chemical warfare and those beautiful humane barrel bombs. He's experimenting with all kind of weapons, like the chemical weapons and special bombs, and at the end, the barrel bombs are his preference for warfare on citizens, because they are cheap and quick to produce and has the maximum effect in killing and maiming. I wonder if he realizes that those barrel bombs were first invented and used by the Israelis, later taken over by the Americans and France and then by the Arabs?
Syria-Genocide Not to forget the fun, we have the multiple genocides happening currently in Syria and Iraq by all kind of parties like the ISIS and Assad. And then we have the Russians helping Assad fighting everyone else in Syria with airplanes, weapons and resources.
Russian airstrikes in Syria The Russians are known not to be humane and their sense of humanity is not the same as in the western world. So when they bomb, they bomb everything they see with those crude bombs, instead of those nice, shiny rockets.
Russian cluster bombs in Syria. Cluster bombs are forbidden by International treaty So they bomb loads of hospitals and neighborhoods full with citizens and who cares, not? At the end they kill more citizens then fighters, and the world is not making one remark how bad that is, but when the Americans are per accident hitting a hospital, the world is screaming! And then there is Iran, doing the same as the Russians, but supplying money and weapons, also fighters, official troops and intelligence.The Iranians have another agenda then the Russians and the Syrians and the rest of the Islamic extremists.
Genocides by ISIS And of course the genocides performed by the ISIS, even when the world is hesitant to acknowledge that. The world acts with its nose in the air and using language, which indicates that the rest of us as mere dump idiots, hardly able to read and write, using words like 'might', 'consider', 'might be', 'a report shows that ', and the like, while the Yazidis, Christians, the homosexuals and any minority are systematically murdered and there is already enough proof. Now, if that would be the worse, that's bad, but honestly it's not. Everyone knows - I think - that's it's a mess in Syria and by extension in Iraq, but did you ever think who is causing this? Many say Assad. At least he started the murdering of his people (the rebels he claimed), supported by his friends Iran and Russia.
But do you know that the massacres, genocides, murders and fighting are maintained by other parties and countries? We have Turkey and the US, together with many European countries, who are supporting one more more sides of the fight in Syria. Then we have Russia and Iran supporting the other side. Then we have all kind of Arabic and Muslim countries supporting their kinds in Syria and the fight continues and more and more citizens are being displaced in their home country and the death toll keeps rising. The Russians upped their part by actively adding their air support to Assad and Iranian fighters and troops. The US and Saudi Arabia is upping their part with increased number of weapons, so the other party can kill more and the mess of Syria gets only more bloody by the hour.
Mass shootings in the US in 2015 And then we have America. The political battles of the Presidential candidates are ongoing and as usual, full with broad, flashy and dramatic languages and expressions, demonstrating the ignorance of those candidates of the situation internationally and even within the United States, proving how disconnected they are with the wide world. And one of them might be elected as president! And then we have the terror. The biggest terrorists in the world are not Islamic terrorists, but "white terrorists" in the US, according to some, with 331 days and 351 mass shootings. They bring those details wrongly of course, but statistics indeed proof that in the US, local terrorism is indeed bigger by the so called "white terrorists" then Islamic extremists.
Obama strutting around Their current President Obama is strutting around the White House doing his thing and act like he's god-most-liked and the rest is only garbage and ignorant of his high and mighty intellect. The poor sod doesn't want to label the Islamic extremists as Islamic, so he's creating all kind of schemes to not-say-that-dreaded-word and forces everyone else to do the same ... or at least he's trying it. He goes even so far, that he refuses to look into intelligence reports about anything with the word 'Islam' and 'Extremism' and 'violence' in it.
Remembrance and Honoring terror attacks on Paris And then we have the terrorism, which seems to be out of control and raging throughout the world. There are now about 8 terror attacks each day with 75 people death. And that's each day the case. Only in the year 2015, we have 25,000 dead people.
Terror Attacks from 1970-1990 From all the attacks, 68% of those were performed in the Middle East, 25% in Africa and 1% in Europe. That's the situation in 2015. And you know what that means? 10 people died here because of a bomb, 15 there, 3 here, 8 there and that list goes on and on without any break. "Terrorism in France brought change", the media are yelling. "Never saw that since WW2!" and other newspaper yelled. But the truth is, they didn't bring any change at all, then only some tough empty words and some extra bombs on some empty buildings somewhere in ISIS occupied Syria. But what it did is more words of support of the European leaders and nothing else. Oh, sorry, that's not accurate, there are some changes. They saw a way to get more money taken from the European taxpayers for their so called 'security'. Yep, that's it. If you go to Paris now, you still see the tourists and citizens unprotected and waiting to be used for the next terror attack.
Let me describe how easy it is to perform an attack, let's say for the third time in Paris. For 500 Euro you buy a gun with loads of ammunition. You take the weapon apart and take the train to Paris together with the thousands of people traveling to Paris. There is not check, no metal detectors, no security then a couple of police agents running around. You hire a hotel room near a strategical location with loads of people and tourists sitting outside enjoying their day or evening, put the weapon together and go out of the door and start shooting. You have about 20-30 minutes before enough forces can arrive to stop you. Time enough for loads of dead people, not?
Or maybe you buy for 2,500 Euro a rifle, where you can shoot at a distance up to a mile. You hide yourself and start shooting carefully. It will take hours before they can find you, if they can.
If you listen to the authorities and the after reports about the last terror attacks, they claim it's a very sophisticated attack, which needed loads of training and planning and a mastermind. Well, you don't need much training to pull the trigger of a gun and to reload the weapon and go into an area with loads of people in Paris. Again my bullsh*t meter is going high when in read this in the media.
What I want to say is that those leaders in France (and Europe) didn't do a thing against the threat at their populations. They use smart words and show some emotions and some music here and there to get the population quiet and easy again and the sheep (that's us) will continue to live our lives as normal (as sheep).
Inside Bataclan Concert Hall Aftermath Photo And there is more then the French authorities want to admit and they are silent about it. But with the Internet, that's hard to do. The thing is that way how the terror is delivered is changed compared with the terror in the past months and years. The terror becomes more vicious and more violent and is focused on people.
First of all, the Islamic extremists are aiming to kill and specially maim civilians, children and women and elderly and they also prefer to slaughter pregnant women. What the French authorities try to hide from the general public is that there were reports of witnesses, claiming when those terrorists were inside the concert hall for a long time doing their thing, those terrorists were torturing the wounded for a long time with their knifes. They cut open the bellies, stomach and abdomen of men and women and let them bleed to death under extreme pain, while the police was waiting outside ... doing nothing then complaining.Their political leaders didn't give the permission to storm the building yet.
You really think that the terrorists needed so much time to shoot everyone down in a relative small building, don't you? They really wanted to have survivors, so they can 'spread the message' or terror, carnage and gore, otherwise nobody came away alive out of that building.
Talking about France, and automatically Europe, you need to do something when you are there - if you have the courage of course. Visit any large city in France, or Belgium, or Holland, Germany, England, Sweden, Italy and you see something what they all have in common.
Violent Muslim ghettos in France Loads of Muslims and many Arabs are living in suburbs surrounding the big cities in dense populated communities. None of those people are integrated with the native populations, no, they obviously don't want that. They prefer and demand to live in Islamic communities, where many of those people are become extreme in their opinions. When you, as a non-Muslim, try to travel on foot through those neighborhoods, you might get molested or worse, killed. Many in the world know that even the French police has problems to move in those places where the Muslims rule with their Sharia (Islamic Law). When you - as a woman - like to have rough sex, that's the place to be. She simply walks through one of those streets and she gets what she wants. I hope she might survive it too.
Muslims in and around European cities They even try to force the host country to accept Islamic rule ... nation wide! And they get away with it too in many cases. Like the UK, the authorities let them have their Sharia courts! The same in France and Germany, but not so widespread. I don't know about you, but I doubt that those ignorant governments have any idea what the Sharia actually is and what it says? Enough of that nonsense and ignorance. The Europeans will pay the price for that foolishness sooner or later. Now let's talk about extremists, Islamic, Christian and Jewish extremists.
Jewish extremists Jewish extremists are seen as the right-sided politicians and the settlers. They want something, which is now greatly in Palestinian hands, and that's land. They are also the most militant in their visions of their only, exclusive Jewish State. Their fight is political and they try to force the government to do their thing. They, together with the Jewish religious community find a common goal and agenda. And miracle on the wall, they have their own brand of violent extremists! Those extremists are painting Palestinian and Christian properties with slogans! But ... you can say whatever you want, they don't take the bombs, and suicide vests and guns and perform the usual terror attacks on the Palestinians and blow and shoot them to pieces.
Christian extremists And then we have the Christian extremists. We had the Gunpowder Plot, the Pogroms, the religious persecution, the ethnic cleansing, the Ku Klux Klan, the anti-abortion terror, and groups such as the Aryan Nations, Aryan Republican Army, Army of God, Phineas Priesthood, and The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord. Many of them use violence or had used violence. Today, the so called anti-abortion terror attacked again, leaving three the people death. Many of those Christian extremists are part of the society and are actual social groups within the western world, based on Christian philosophy.
Islamic extremists The same we can say that with the Islamic extremists since the 1960s. Also that is a social group within the Middle Eastern world and exclusively in the Islam. They use the same tools as the Christian extremists, except much more on a global scale and target anyone, as long as they are not the right kind of Muslim, intending to spread death and destruction. This group is being ignored by our all-knowing-very-intelligent-strutting President Obama. Talking about self-denial. It's not only the Christians, Jews and the Islamic extremists, who are doing their thing, also in India there is terror and extremism! Those extremists, whoever they are and where they are coming from and why they do their things, causing the world to suffer. Look at their results and lists of massacres:
And those lists continue for hundreds more. In the world there are now about eight billion people, right? And the (Islamic and other) terrorists are assisting humankind in maintaining those numbers ... can you imagine the overpopulation!
South Sudan Talking about massacres. Let's give you some nice, juicy examples what's currently happening in South Sudan, Africa. Fighters, or whatever they call them selves (they are Islamic extremists), are rounding up hundreds of civilians and place them in a temporary camp.
Cannibalism Then those extremists burn half of them alive in a great, cozy fire and force the other half to eat them. They force those people to cannibalism! Nobody seems to care and the press reported that. They simply can continuing to do their thing. The same happened with the people some tens of thousands of years ago. Not much seem to be changed, not? Rape is also a nice pastime in South Sudan. If they want to have a women, they simply take one or a few. It's part of their religion (Islam), and they have the permission and are allowed and it's perfectly normal. If they don't, then something is wrong with them or they are not Islamic and need to be killed! And then I read in the newspapers that we have a world anti-violence day for women and I spray my tea over the newspaper in laughter. What an ignorant bunch of idiots are they. I wonder if they are ignorant only, living in a dream world or are they straight stupid! Or worse, that they ignore what's happening, and they know it, and continue their lives like nothing is wrong and allow it to happen. That would be more then criminal.
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