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- What Shall It Be: To Vaccinate Or Not? You Choose!
What Shall It Be: To Vaccinate Or Not? You Choose!
I'm a developer of software. If someone wants to buy my software, they want to be sure it works. That's logical, not? It's the same with vaccines. They (the government) wants me to receive two, or three jabs of the vaccine. But now I'm in the role of the 'buyer' (even it's free for me), but I've the same question: "Does it work?" The government claims that it works, but that's what I claimed too trying to sell my software (even with bugs). And the buyer didn't trust me and demanded proof. And that's exactly what I do for the vaccine. Does it work?
From the beginning of the pandemic - end of 2019 - until now, we have a constant stream of new infections. At the end of 2020, they started to vaccinate the populations and that continues until today. Here comes my question, do the vaccines work? Well, we'll see if they work or not.
There are (today, 29 Sept. 2021) ten countries involved in the development of vaccines. Furthermore, those vaccines are divided into phases (number of jabs to take to be active). Click here for the source.
Phase 1: 53 vaccines
Phase 2: 46 vaccines
Phase 3: 35 vaccines
Authorized (limited): 13 vaccines
Approved: 8 vaccines
Abandoned: 6 vaccines
Vaccinations worldwide
At the time of writing this article, there are 33% of the people fully vaccinated (two jabs) worldwide. 12% of the people are partly vaccinated and 45% of the people are not vaccinated. Here follows a list of countries with the most vaccinations in the world:
Most vaccinated countries in the world. The rest will follow (maybe).
Do vaccines work?
So far, so good. But the question is, do those vaccines work? And how can you know if those vaccines really do work? You can ask a doctor. You try, but many family doctors are weary about answering that. Many others say "of course they work" without hesitation. Other doctors give more political-tainted answers, without saying anything specific, but looking nervous!?
Are there any fact-sheets out there, which tells the truth and tell if vaccines do work or not? Are vaccines safe to take, or are there dangers when taking them? How dangerous if so. All beautiful questions and many can answer them, but nobody can proof to you that it really works. Proof, like the vaccine for smallpox, which works. But for the corona?
Well, let's look the results of those vaccines. Vaccines must and will stop the coronavirus, not? How more vaccines, how less new corona cases. Correct, not? Let's look at the countries with the most new corona cases.
Cases per continent
The most coronavirus infections (cases) are in:
North America
South America
What a mess. But there is no dramatic decrease in new infections of the coronavirus, despite the vaccines administered! Let's clean up this mess and ask only the numbers worldwide.
With all that chaos in the above chart, let's summarize it by looking at the world trend:
Worldwide trend in corona infections
In the above chart we can see finally a trend. I can observe several things:
New infections seem to appear in (three) waves. Logically, we can expect another wave after the last one. There is no reason to expect something different at the moment.
The use of vaccines do not decrease the new infections. Actually, it's not clear that the vaccines are reducing the new infections at all.
People who received at least one vaccine dose per continent
The contents with most vaccinations administered:
South America
North America
Looking at the timeline of the vaccines administered, the following:
Assuming that vaccines are working against new infections, you can expect that the number of new infections will be decreased over time. That doesn't happen.
The least vaccinations and the least infections take place in Africa.
The most vaccinations are in South America, but that continent has the third highest number of new infections.
Maybe the vaccine doesn't work for its stated purpose. And what is that purpose?
The purpose is to stop the pandemic of course. And to stop new infections to occur. That's the purpose, not? That's what I would expect from a vaccine.
Well, reading up the publications available (especially the scientific ones), I discovered that the purpose of the vaccine is not to stop infections, but to reduce the hospitalizations and moralities!
That is very strange. If they would have developed a vaccine, which simply kills the coronavirus, like all vaccines do for hundreds of years, you'll not have any hospitalization and nobody dies! Correct? That's logical, not? So, why do we still see so many infections? Especially in countries with so many vaccines administered?Why do I see so many new infections in Israel, while Israel has so much vaccinations (69%)?
Maybe something about hospitals?
Patients in Israeli Hospital
Ah, bingo! A difference. If you look at the third wave, you see the numbers of people in the hospital considerably less then in the previous waves. And that confirms the logic, that the current vaccine is designed to reduce hospitalization and death. Let's look at the mortality in Israel, shall we and see if we can confirm this:
Confirmed death in Israel
And indeed, the number of death is strongly reduced compared with the previous wave.
Vaccinations in Israel
My next question now is, is the vaccine against the coronavirus a real vaccine? Because the vaccine is not what I expect from a ... eh ... a vaccine.
Traditional vaccines use a weakened or a killed virus to stimulate an immune response (teach the immune system with a "trick" to recognize and kill a specific virus). In this way it kills the virus when enters the body. The body is immune.
The Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines do not. They call it the mRNA virus (Personally I call it the hi-tech virus). "They are purported to consist of an intramuscular shot containing a suspension of lipid nanoparticles filled with messenger RNA." The body doesn't become immune at all. But it takes care that the coronavirus doesn't grow and that the severity of sickness caused by the coronavirus is minimized, and in this way reducing hospitalization and mortality. It is not a vaccine after all, but a radical gene therapy
What shall I choose, the vaccine or not?
Well, it doesn't hurt to take the vaccine (or gene therapy or whatever you can call it), not? I mean, it doesn't make me immune against the coronavirus, but in case I get infected and sick, it would be able to protect me against the most severe form of the sickness, the coronavirus might cause in my body. Is that correct? I think so.
Wait a minute. A radical gene therapy? They try to sell me such thing (whatever it is) and call it a vaccine? It's like telling my potential customer that my old broken down car is a computer program. It's like telling the chicken that it's an egg or an airplane.
Even with all of that, there is also another aspect. It's the peer pressure and the limitations the government and authorities are forcing me to choose for that damned vaccine, which is not a vaccine. Let's call it the high-tech vaccine. Nobody forces me to do anything against my will. Well, maybe my daughter ... and my ex-wife. But they are the only ones. Honest.
Maybe also my girlfriend Salwa. Yes, but that's it.
Thinking about my ex-wife, I realize that I didn't consider the risk issue. If I don't vaccinate, what risk do I take that I might die from the coronavirus?
I know that number. The risk that I die is a bit less than 0.5% (I'm 62 years old), and healthy.
If there is a risk of dying when I take the high-tech vaccine?
I don't know the true number, but there is indeed a risk of dying or getting permanently maimed or hurt. I wrote about the horrifying ways to die or get permanently sick here.
And why do I ask this ridiculous question? Come on, man. If I go to the doctor and ask for medicine, I don't expect to die from it, do I? Do I? Two of my friends went to take the high-tech vaccine. One friend dropped dead on the spot and the other dropped dead after three days. Another friend got paralyzed and recovered partly. Another friend (well, not a friend per se) got partly paralyzed in the face (that's actually an improvement, let me tell you).
I know statistics and I don't have so many friends. 50% of my friends dropped dead or got permanently hurt! That's a lot!
So please don't blame me to be weary about the high-tech vaccine!
And I get the impression that the authorities (government and health) are suppressing the actual numbers of problems connected to the high-tech vaccine. Too many people die and get permanently sick and instead of confirming those numbers, they try to hide them (unsuccessfully).
So, no, I'm not going to get vaccinated. They can restrict me, they can jail me, they can lock me up in a concentration camp, I'm not going to get vaccinated.
And I feel so sorry for those sheep, who took the high-tech vaccine without thinking. It's like those little funny animals in Norway, who suicide each year by running over the cliff straight into the sea.
One of my few remaining (unvaccinated) friends is 70 years old and he got the idea to date again (at his age and he's an old and dirty man). That's exactly what he did and got himself a dating app on his phone (he threw his laptop out of the window a couple of months ago).
On his profile he wrote that he's interested in building a relationship with a woman, blond, bla bla bla. but the specific thing he also wrote was that he wanted to have a child and he's only interested in women, who're not vaccinated. According him he wants to avoid that his child will be born with two heads or something. The optimist. Loads of women responded to that in a record time! Unbelievable.
Funny, but he has a point.