Why Does NSA Collects Your Data?

I never liked the idea of figures like Edward Snowden, who leaked classified information from the NSA in 2013. He betrayed his country. But ... he made the media shine into some insights about the data collection all over the world, including America. And even when they say it has stopped monitoring in the US, the NSA simply continues to collect.


  1. Who is there to monitor the NSA? Nobody and nothing.

  2. There are so many telephone calls from America to the world and opposite too. Each email you send can go to any place in the world, including the opposite (the one sending you an email). On a message board you chat with people from all over the world. Many American companies have servers located physically outside the US. All of that is collected.

  3. FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) is nice and it sounds neat, but not suitable for this kind of communications, hopeless outdated and not appropriate. Data comes in with a speed of milliseconds per person or company, while the FISA court order takes ages per person or company

  4. The NSA is not the only agency, which is using data collection. Almost every country in the world is doing the same and probably worse. Think about the Russian FSB, the Chinese 3PLA, the French PRISM or Frenchelon, or the Dutch MIVD, or the Israeli Unit 8200 or the British GCHQ? The FSB, 3PLA, GCHQ and the Unit 8200, along with the Iranian version of the NSA and there are so many more agencies doing exactly the same as the NSA, and nobody complains about privacy.

Then we have the huge storage of data from all over the world

What are they doing with it? What everyone is assuming and what the NSA already has admitted, that data is stored. Here are some insights about that:

  • Data, which is collected from all over the world is stored. The size of that data is not in terabytes, not in petabytes (quadrillion bytes (or tokens)), but more in the area of multiple yottabytes (one septillion bytes or 10 (and 24 zeros)) and growing by the second (there are not enough books published through the history of human kind, which can even remotely approach the size of that data).

  • Those who are accessing that data, the so called analysts, cannot get an overview of that data, no idea who's involved and how it's connected to other data in the data storage then only by some search engine, which need to be manually operated.

  • That data is also monitored with - what some people call filters - which is actually nothing else then specific predefined searches about certain (groups of) individuals and/or locations.

  • But there is much more. Live - meaning at the moment the data is inserted in the databases, data gets profiled (well, connected to profiles), and smart indexing systems (connected nodes in a data-tree), so that everyone has live overview what's going on and what's changing in real time. For example the location of a car driving on the road, which is monitored and automatically updated, if needed on screens or monitors.  Also alarms can be setup when a critical situation is reached, alarms are supplied for the analysts; for example when a car stops for a certain house or street, etc.