'No Muslims in the US' vs 'Death to America'

Donald Trump, an American citizen, contender of the Presidential elections in 2016, yells that when he's elected as President, he wants to have a database about registered Muslims in the US, he wants temporarily to block all Muslims coming into the US (except US citizens), he wants to deport all illegals in the US.

Many Arabs and Muslims in Muslim countries are saying something different for already too many years. They say "Death to America".

I understand the thought behind Trump's statements, as do millions of Americans. I'm not saying that I agree with it, but still. See for yourself:

[gallery type="slideshow" size="full" ids="5314,5315,5316,5317,5318,5319,5320,5321,5322,5323,5324,5325,5326,5327,5328,5330,5331,5332,5335,5336,5337,5338,5339,5340,5310" orderby="rand"]

And here we have the other side, the target for the upset reaction of Trumps statements.

[gallery type="slideshow" size="full" ids="5341,5342,5343,5344,5345,5346,5347,5348,5349,5350,5351,5352,5353,5354,5355,5356,5357,5358,5359,5360,5361,5362,5363,5364,5365,5366,5367,5368,5369" orderby="rand"]


See also: [display-posts category="Donald Trump,Incitement,Islam," posts_per_page="20" orderby="title ASC"]

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