Misleading Israeli Information About Vaccines!

A doctor tells a cancer patient his survival rate ... after he survived a successful treatment. That's misleading and very obvious. Well, in Israel, most publications in COVID19-vaccinations do the same. Their publications only refer to the period after full vaccination and ignore the devastating deaths and new infections during and caused by the vaccines. Furthermore, analyses show for ages 20-90 that increases in vaccination-associated mortality are inversely proportional to age, up to 60 % for those aged 20-24. Extrapolating these results for ages below 20 expects mortality increases beyond 100 % for those younger than 5. The mRNA vaccines has several potential risks. Vaccines are intended to prevent disease. But vaccinations during a pandemic have several adverse consequences.

  1. Vaccinations causes (by definition) a temporary weakening of the immune system. Therefor the vaccinated are fragilized (weak) during the vaccination process, and more likely to develop any diseases against which the immune system usually defends the body. This could cause COVID-19 infections in the medium- or long-term.

    1. In the long-term, the antibodies induced by the RNA vaccine will cause failing immune system (autoimmune reactions) to the cells producing the viral protein encoded by the vaccine RNA, and to cells with natural human proteins resembling the viral protein encoded by the vaccine RNA, results in inflammation and tissue damage.

    2. Especially with the vaccinated people, massive vaccination is likely to cause vaccine-resistant viral variants with catastrophic effects.

    3. RNA from the vaccine will in some cases integrate chromosomes of the vaccinated, with potentially harmful consequences difficult to evaluate at this point.

COVID-19 status\Vacc. status Unvacc. 1st dose 2nd dose < 7 days 2nd dose > 7 days Community (asymptomatic) 358,454 51,571 7,675 4,622 Light 3,257 587 100 106 Medium 1,454 466 54 59 Serious 3,381 1,083 165 149 Critical 714 172 17 37 Deceased 1,566 709 84 105 Total 368,826 54,588 8,095 5,078 Days 80 21 7 ~26 (1-52) Dead per day/total/10000 0.5310 6.1800 14.8200 7.9500 (210- 3.98) Mortality increase vs unvacc. 11.6500 27.9200 14.9900 (390- 7.49) Percent asymptomatic 97.19% 94.47% 94.81% 91.02% Percent/day symptomatic 0.0352% 0.0263% 0.7412% 0.3454% (8.98-0.17) Increase symptomatic/unvacc. 7.4900 21.0900 9.8300 (255.46-4.91)

Table (above) is from https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2021/03/11/covid-19-in-israel-nein-die-impfung-erzeugt-keine-40-mal-hoehere-sterblichkeit/. Data from the Health Ministry show the COVID-19 cases for the period from December 20 until March 10. Translated from the Hebrew into English. Our additions are highlighted. Mortality rate increases are all statistically significant at P < 0.0001.

There is no data available for children younger than 15 years, but it's 'safe' to say that it will go wrong with many unnecessary deaths. And the reason for the almost forced vaccinations for children is not there. The stronger the immune system, the less likely one is to develop COVID19-induced symptoms. And therefor elderly are more effected by the virus than younger people, especially children. Why does the Israeli government - on purpose - almost force Israeli family's children to be vaccinated, which is totally unnecessary? Those kids are taking the risk to be killed or (permanently) hurt. How is it possible that parents in Israel are allowing such unnecessary risk for their children? And do you think that you can trust the government or the health authorities? A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report. National File posted the video on its Twitter feed on Sept. 10. What happens in the US happens in Israel and everywhere in the western world as well. https://twitter.com/i/status/1436466927703138308 Read the full article here, it's unbelievable.

How would you look at the ridiculous situation, where the Israeli government tells the parents to take a gun with one bullet in it and pull the trigger pointing at their children? That's exactly what the Israeli government does. Healthy children don't die from corona, and hardly get sick!

  • Extrapolating increased vaccination-associated risks for younger, yet unvaccinated age groups

  • Increased COVID19 infection rates between 1st and 2nd injections

  • Vaccination against COVID19 drives COVID19 spread

When will the mRNA vaccination madness stop?

Even when the government manages to vaccinate 100% of the population, the COVID-19 pandemic will continue as usual. The number of infections and death by COVID-19 has not decreased, it's actually the opposite, it only increased. The COVID-19 infections occur in waves.

New Infections in Israel This is the same trend as you see worldwide. Actually, in most western countries you see this trend. Except those countries who are not using the mRNA vaccines, there are almost no cases and in some situations, there is no pandemic anymore. What's the government going to say? Ah! Right, they will make up a new variant and the whole population needs to be vaccinated by the next generation of mRNA vaccines. This continues of course, until everyone becomes aware of other countries, which are using the widely-prescribed live saving drug Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 with amazing results, like becoming COVID-19 and pandemic free. In the mean time the Israeli government and health organizations are blaming the unvaccinated for the increase of the infections with fantastic numbers. They are not aware that those numbers are so ridiculous and extreme, because all other reports and researches in the world say the opposite. The so called science based health community is claiming the strangest things as excuse for the need of (only) the mRNA vaccines. Like the confrontation between Senator Rand Paul, who told Biden health secretary Xavier Becerra to his face that he is a ‘arrogant, authoritarian, and un-American’ for ridiculing people who choose natural immunity over vaccinations. https://youtu.be/d525Alv_szo The Senator continued. Paul further warned that health officials are acting ‘hysterical’ when it comes to unvaccinated people, and that what they are claiming is “actually the opposite of the truth.”

Day of reckoning will come

With all this madness, the day will come that we'll see reckoning, when people everywhere are becoming aware what a tragedy has taken place, a real genocide. I hope that those people will face justice.