Incapable Corona-fighting countries of the world

Monitoring 22, now 50 countries and documenting their fight against the coronavirus did show which countries are unfitted to govern their country. I'm talking about 32% of the 50 countries refusing to test their population, three countries refusing to admit failure of their national health system, at least three countries producing falsifications and denying coronavirus numbers, almost all of those countries have no exit-plan in place (what to do after the pandemic) and they have no idea how to calculate recovery-rates, mortality-rates and have no idea how to determine what state their country is in about the raging pandemic.

Test reports

A basic requirement for each and any country is the testing of the population. The purpose of course is to determine if and where are people infected with the coronavirus. If found, the authorities suppose to take proper action.

The following table contains the newly tested people per day for a country.

In all the cases above, none had any people tested at April 13, 2020.

The reason why those countries did not test is unknown. It might be very possible that those countries do test, but they don't report it! If that is the case, it's truly stupid and incompetent, because it shows the world and their citizens that they are truly incompetent.

Another reason might be that the country is only updating those numbers once a week, or two days. Also that's stupid, because the country puts itself in a very bad light. The example is Spain. They reported at the April 4th that they tested 355,000 people and then it was quiet until the April 13th, which they updated that number to 600,000.

Other countries do report their numbers of tests they have performed. But they use "strange" numbers (like those of Russia: 1,200,000. The next day it's 1,300,000). It 'smells' some numbers cooked up or made up.

Yesterday that percentage was 32%. A day before that percentage was 11% not doing its work with reporting testing or not testing at all.

North Korea refuses to admit or confirm in any way that there is any case of corona-infection in their population.We're talking now about Iran. Iran has obviously help from another country at the level of crisis management, and that country is China. The almost exact method of suppressing and falsification of data takes place there in Iran as it happened in China. Iran's numbers are truly perfect … too perfect.

A very late start fighting the coronavirus

Just like right after the Trump elections, many countries were laughing. They're not anymore. Just like the lack of common sense in 2016, there is for sure a lack of common sense handling this virus, at least starting from the moment that the first case of the virus was reported within their borders.

It took China about 49 days before they started to take some serious action (as they have claimed). Taiwan was the one, which took 67 days before the first 100 cases were reported in that country. But Taiwan has an excellent performance reported, because that country kept the number of infections the lowest in the world.

If those countries were acting sooner, let's say a couple of days after the infections appeared in their countries, it would mean that the pandemic would have died and we would not all be in serious trouble with hundreds of thousands of people infected and more then a hundred thousand of death.

The reason for the delay might be incompetence, ignorant, being political correct, in self-denial, panic (on government level), being fooled by the false reports from China.An important factor is the wrong 'predictions' of the many so called scientific organizations and institutions, which mainly produced confusion.

Also an important factor is the state of the many national health systems, which were (and are) not fully or only partial funded, no emergency resources (like medicines, marks, etc.), not enough doctors, nurses and other medical personnel, not enough buildings and beds, not enough training for the medical personnel, etc. and above all, not enough higher and middle-level management people in place (still not).

National medical systems

Above is a table with the recovery- and the mortality rate.

There is no such thing as a global worldwide mortality rate of 0.5% or 2% or 2.4% or 3% or between the 2.4%-4.75% or this kind of nonsense. But there is a mortality rate of 12.78% in the UK, 3.43% in Ireland, 10.63% in the Netherlands, 0.81% in Russia, 1% in Israel, etc.

The mortality rate can't be useful expressed for the whole world as one rate. It seems that 'our esteemed' scientists with the huge budgets think differently. Those esteemed scientists need to realize that the reason why they receive funding and salary is because the taxpayers are paying for everything.

And also another thing, the 'unwashed masses' have access to the same data as those esteemed scientists. I personally find the scientists seriously lacking.

There is something to note, that three countries refuse to supply everyone the results of their medical systems (those who are recovered). Those countries are the UK, the Netherlands and Norway. Those three countries have something in common: they have failed medical system, which suffered already before the coronavirus appeared.It's also extremely stupid and damaging for the public relations for those countries and a proof that such countries have something seriously embarrassing to hide from their citizens and the worldwide public.

Let's look at some strong indicators that the medical facilities are not performing as they suppose to perform.

The next phase of the pandemic is the recovery. When the number of new infections will go down, it's up to the hospitals and the national medical systems to help cure the people sick. The time it takes will define the recovery time of the pandemic.If that time takes too long, it will damage the economies, maybe even to the point of no economical recovery possible anymore.


My conclusion is that we saw dreadful, devastating delays of months before the governments started to respond to the pandemic. I'm afraid that the second problem is the medical systems of most of the countries causing problems with the road towards recovery; it takes much too long.

And because of that, the period of recovery will be as long as the period of finally getting to fight the coronavirus. Also it's very clear that most of the governments are not suitable to govern even a chicken-house not to mention a country. For the citizen it would be much better to get rid of their governments as fats as possible. Maybe they need to demand some basic knowledge for those in government positions?m