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- Flemish Fields 1917 - Most Terrible, But As Usual, Forgotten
Flemish Fields 1917 - Most Terrible, But As Usual, Forgotten

37 million civilians and military died during the first World War or as it also was called the Great War. There were 20 million wounded people! Those numbers are incredible, unbelievable.As a direct result of the fighting, an additional 30 million people died when their soldiers came home, infected with diseases and hunger.
In those times, directly after the World War I, if you would travel over the countryside in any country in Western Europe, you would see ghost villages, with houses nobody lived in anymore, but dead people laying on the streets, barking dogs were the only ones alive. All of them wiped out by infectious diseases brought home by the fathers and brothers, who survived the slaughter on the battle fields

In this war, one battle was worse than any of the many battles during the first World War. It's the battle of undescribable butchery, and also called the Flemish fields.

It started with the attack of the allies on the trenches of the Germans in Belgium. The battle started ‘good’. After 15 days of heavy artillery, allied tanks moved to the German side, followed by the infantry

.That continued, until it began to rain and everything turned into mud. The attack halted. The attacking army was shot in pieces, literally.

The ground was totally covered with the bodies of dead, dying and wounded. The smell of decaying bodies was overwhelming everyone, including the defending Germans.
The allies decided to restart the attacks, without mercy for their own and the shocked German army. The soldiers were forced to climb on mountains of bodies of their comrades in order to reach the end, to be killed by the waiting German army and helped to grow the mountains of dead bodies.
I’ve no idea how those soldiers had the courage to continue walking to their death. And they all knew it, they would be killed in the most gruesome way. Many were forced, but most of them not. They followed orders.
At the end, the allies managed to reach their destination and the German positions were destroyed. But the price in human lives was incredible and unprecedented throughout the history of humankind. And the way how the allies managed this? The German forces ran out of bullets.
The British forces in India managed, some years back in those times, to defeat an army of 10,000 warriors with only 100 British army men. They managed to kill them all. But here in the Flemish fields, it was totally opposite.
Can you imagine, to climb over mountains of dead, torn apart bodies, miles after miles, seemingly never ending? You can't see the ground, there are layers of bodies and body parts.
The madness of war, especially this industrialized war, led by a bunch of incompetent high-level officers safely behind the front lines, drinking their port, cherry, cognac and whiskey, brought the end of their entitled class. And it was about time, at the very least. But the blood on their souls will not be washed away for many generations.
The diseases from the death caused again death and destruction. It caused tens of millions of death.

There was feminine, hunger for everyone in Europe. The war demanded millions of men, and the armies took the workers to fight for them. There were not enough farmers and other people to produce food! Hunger ruled. Hunger killed too.Anarchy, revolution, uprising, brutally suppressed and more death.
A truly dark time in the history of humanity.

And also that was all forgotten and replaced with Facebook and Internet, together with the corrupt politicians and governments, hollowing out the educational institutions and schools, replacing them with cheap propaganda and moral corruption. Now the masses of humankind, the so-called sheep, are being prepared for the next mass slaughter, and this time they will be counted in billions, instead of millions.
When I hear the Muslims and Africans complaining about their problems and suffering, it’s all very tiny, compared with what happened in Europe at the beginning of the century.
Twenty years after World War I, massacres, slaughters, genocides were repeated, and much worse than before. This time the weapon technologies were improved and caused more death.
The Flemish fields were soon forgotten. The slaughter of tens of millions were overshadowed by the second World War, with sixty million death. That was soon overshadowed with the systematic slaughter of Stalin with his 60 million dead Russian citizens. Then came the threat of the mass destruction weapons, the nuclear weapons

That threat of mass destruction was so terrible, that it would mean self-destruction of the one starting it. Only because of fear of utterly self-destruction, it disabled a third World War.
Not because of the Flemish Fields, not because of the more than a hundred million death since the first World War.
Except that now we have a war in Ukraine. This war started with a Russian invasion, which turned out not be as successful as Putin, the Russian President, wished for. And as usual, many thousands of people (citizens and soldiers) started to die in Ukraine.
It seems that the Russian ‘marketing’, claiming that the Russian armies were awesome, were highly overrated. The Russian armed forces were still using much of the strategies they used during the World War II. So they targeted first the civilians in the cities and trying to kill as much as possible. But when they finally confronted the Ukrainian forces, they proved that they were not a match. And when the Russian army was confronted by the many superior weapons of the west, they lost it totally.
But this time, an “old-fashioned” war didn’t work out, because times and conditions have changed. Everything is now globalized and integrated. Industries rely on other industries located in other countries, and what was expected, the Russian armies were brought to a halt. They ran out of men, ammunition, food and fuel! And now the Russians have a serious problem: their advanced weapon systems are running out of ammunition and spare parts, because Russia alone doesn’t have the resources to produce them.
For the western strategists, their strategy worked out perfectly, and they managed to start defeating the Russian. With their sanctions they managed to stop Russia maintaining high-level weapons and to produce modern missiles and airplanes and with the flood of western modern weapons, they gave the Ukrainian army the leverage to defeat the Russian army.
And we’re coming to an interesting point. The Russian leader, President Putin, has a few alternatives available at this moment.
He can mobilize more men to fight for him in Ukraine, but that’s likely not effective, but he still did mobilize them. Can you imagine, 300,000 individuals are going to be used as cannon meat? He runs out of ammunition and modern weapons and resources, and that means for those 300K soldiers death, while winter is approaching. And the autumn is almost there, meaning he can’t move his troops to the front lines and if they manage it somehow, his new fresh troops are likely being slaughtered at arrival.
He can use his last option, the tactical nuclear weapons. Those weapons are short-range weapons, including land-based missiles with a range of less than 500 km (about 300 miles) and air- and sea-launched weapons with a range of less than 600 km (about 400 miles). Also, this solution is not perfect for the Russians, because if they use those weapons, it can easily backfire on Russian troops. And I’m not only thinking about Russia being a real pariah state, which will be totally isolated from the total world by any country on earth until Putin will be executed, together with his general staff.
The only chance that Putin has left are negotiations and try his luck with that. But the NATO, Europe and the US are not interested and push the Ukrainians to keep fighting. Any effort for negotiations are beig blocked by the western powers. They wait until Putin regime is collapsing.
Putin, and the rest of the world, didn’t learn the lessons from the Flemish Fields. No, they are likely to repeat this, and with higher numbers of death and suffering over a much longer time.
Did we learn our lessons?No.
Human species are still not evolved enough.
Religion was in the not so distance past in history the reason of slaughter.
Kings, Emperors and the ‘blue blood’ entitled classes were responsible for the slaughter of WW1.
Dictatorship was responsible for the followup slaughter of WW2.
Madness and moral corruption is responsible for the looming threat of mass destruction.
If that is not enough, think again. The next disaster, which will cause mass slaughter, will not be caused by war! It will be caused by the multitude of massive scams, designed by the elites (the follow-up from the ‘blue-blooded’ entitled classes) and governments.
Look at the madness and the massive scam called climate change. The climate changes for sure, as it did thousads of years ago, and each 150 years there is a major climate change, which is a natural thing, not caused by any human factor. They claim that the earth is getting hotter because of industries, fossil fuels and cow farts. There are signs that the earth is cooling down instead of overheating.
Look at the madness of the current American administration and their efforts to transform the US to a communistic or socialistic state and working to weaken the American armed forces.
Look at the weakness of the American administration, causing bad actors like the terrorist state Iran, totalitarian states like Russia, North Korea and China, grabbing more power and show their imperialistic tendencies.
Look what the governments did to the world population with the last pandemic! They caused millions of death worldwide because of their experimental vaccine. More people are permanently hurt and died because of the vaccines than the actual pandemic. And that’s not the worst of it, because they try to control billions of people. And they didn’t release that control, while the pandemic burned itself out of existance. The most worrying of this here is the corporation of the medical doctors and hospitals, literally trying to kill the sick in order to earn some extra (blood) money from the government. The thousands of scientists, who kept silent about the damage because of the vaccines and the lies and deceit. A truly crime against humanity.
The other huge scam is the size of the world population. They claimed for years that the world population is too large to feed and support and this must be stopped. The truth is that in a couple of years the world population will shrink by itself without any help and the world could easily feed the billions and support them, as it is clearly demonstrated the last decinia. And that means that countries like Japan will disappear soon, as are many countries in Europe as well. In a couple of years, the 1.4 billion people in China will be reduced by tens of millions of people by natural negative growth. In America, you see the mass slaughter of unborn children, which they call abortion, and the left want to have this federally sanctioned. This happens also in Europe. The number of elderly grew rapidly, while the number of children shrank, leading their own countries to destruction.
Another huge scam is the so-called global warming and green energy. Those individuals supporting such claim, want that the world will stop using fossil energy and transform to the green energy. Reality teaches that this is simply not possible in short time, unless you want to suffer. And guess what, those people are wrong, they can’t proof the effectiveness of green energy, and look at Europe, where they already are suffering from the effects of the green energy and run out of electricity and that’s only the beginning. The result of the energy crisis will lead to multiple other crises, like be the food crisis. The 2022 winter will see thousands of death in Europe. I wonder of the population still will support green energy?
No, the next disaster for humankind will not be a series of devastating wars, but a combination of huge disasters and the collapse of civilizations all over the world, likely without one shot fired. There will be no winners, and if there are people surviving this all, recovery will take centuries, if not longer, if possible.
What everyone in the world can witness what happens in America, where the current regime is publicly getting away with murder and corruption, weaponizing the security forces against their own population, trying to force the US into a communistic state, spreading its moral corruption all over the world. Everyone sees the collapse of the trade, the financial world, the economy, energy crisis, the pending food crisis also in the US. The worst of all is that the American population let this happen without any resistance or fighting back.