Europeans are going to Suffer

Foolish European Leaders

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What many European leaders don't understand is the situation they are in at the moment relating security and terrorism. Their cities are surrounding with Ghettos where Arabs and Muslims are living closely together in isolated communities, which hate the citizens of their host country. With the mounting terror attacks and the just intercepted terror attacks, they are panicking. You need to see and hear them making up speeches and empty statements!

Hurting the Palestinians

The Europeans have no idea what's really going on in Israel. They live their lives somewhere on the moon and they see the world through pink glasses. For example their labeling of Israeli products and products from the 'occupied territories' brings problems for ... the Palestinians. Companies might be in those 'occupied territories', but the labor and management is in hands of the Palestinians. If their will be a drop in revenue, those companies close down and the Palestinians are without job. What an unbelievable stupid and unthoughtful move from the Europeans. Again it shows how much those Europeans know.

Peace Negotiations

English: Palestinian peace activist Mohammad Othman after meetings with Norwegian politicians. At the back to the left is Lene Aure Hansen, secretary of the International Committee of Sosialistisk Venstreparti (Socialist Left party, Norway.) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Then their insistence that they want to be part of a peace deal. There is no peace deal and it's because there is nobody to talk to at the Palestinian side. At this moment, there are two Palestinian mini-states; one on the West Bank and one in Gaza. In the West bank we have the elected Palestinian President Abbas, who's 80 years old and has only partly the authority of the Palestinians, but his tenure as President has a long time ago expired.

The second part is run by Hamas, an international recognized terror organization. Both mini states want to have Israel removed and replaced by the Palestinians, and those mini states don't like each other at all. The Israelis want to have peace and rest, but they can't have that, because they are under constant threat of war, terror, murder, slaughter and genocide of those 'poor' Palestinians.

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