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Death by Government

Are you aware that more people died by vaccines than in the Vietnam War and World War II in the US? Also, vaccines deaths for kids spiked with 755% in Europe!
As for those parents in Europe, who gave the permission to get their kids vaccinated, are they murderers of their own children? How do they feel now? Don’t tell me that they were not warned! They were! Are those parents still voting for the left?
And it’s all true. People, in ages between 25 and 40, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall of 2021. That’s the worst-ever excess mortality in history.
CDC data shows the Millennial generation suffered a “Vietnam War event,” with more than 61,000 excess deaths in that age group in the second half of 2021 Basically, Millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021. 58,000 people died in that war.
Excess mortality for Gen X — about age 41 to 56 — since August 2021 was 101,000. The Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) saw 306,000 excess deaths during the same period. That’s a World War II event.
Everywhere in the world, ‘experts’ are baffled by the excess death occurring in almost every country in the world.
Currently, many baffled and worried health experts in the UK are calling for an urgent government investigation into these excess deaths.
The UK is not alone in this trend of unexplained rising excess deaths. It is being seen in the USA and in many countries, as attested by statistics from the scientific online publication Our World in Data. From January 2020 to early July 2022, the top five countries with cumulative excess deaths are Russia, the United States, Brazil, Mexico and Egypt. The tragic thing is that they all have one thing in common: the number of deaths started to rise excessive the moment that the countries started with the vaccine campaign. Excess death
The UK experienced an unexplained rise in excess deaths. According to the latest data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), from June to late August 2022, around 1,000 excess deaths took place in England and Wales each week. However, most of them are unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, in the week ending Aug. 26, there were 1,556 cases of excess mortality, but only approximately 453 cases of them were caused by the pandemic.
The United States and the UK are not alone in this trend of unexplained rising excess deaths. Similar phenomena have been taking place in many countries, as attested by statistics from the scientific online publication Our World in Data. The site uses the same definition for excess mortality as defined above.
Among these countries, the United States boasts of a population of over 338 million, Brazil has a population of over 215 million, and the other three countries all have a population of over 110 million.
This is a clear signal that the above-mentioned high excess death rates is not a country or local or geographic specific reason. It must have been caused by a certain type of health risk factor that has the power to influence the whole human world during 2021-2022.
But what event could possibly have such significant power? Even the global infection rate of COVID-19 is around 3%, which does not justify COVID-19 itself to be categorized as a global health risk factor.
What, then, could be classified as a global health risk factor with the power to influence the majority of the global population?
Unexplained Excess Death Rates in 2022 During Omicron Period

Excess death
As per the graph, from January 2022 to the end of July 2022, several countries experienced significant increases in their excess mortality rates, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Israel, and the United States. The excess mortality rates here are measured by the P-score.
During this time period, the COVID-19 Omicron variant was the most prevalent. Although highly transmissible, Omicron’s infection fatality ratio is 78.7 percent lower than that of the previous strains. According to a study on the medRxiv preprint server, Omicron’s death rate over the general population is 0.021 percent.
Accordingly, in theory, if the excess death rate had been directly caused by SARS-CoV-2, the absolute excess death number should be decreasing in 2022, after Omicron’s spread.
Let’s do a simplified calculation of the excess death rate that should have been caused by Omicron in the UK.
During the five-year period from 2015 to 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic started to wreak havoc in the UK, the crude death rate per 1,000 people was 9. Therefore, the mortality rate was 0.9 percent (= 9/1,000 x 100). In 2022, the UK has a population of 67.58 million. The expected number of deaths would be 608,220 (=0.9% x 67.58 million).
Assuming that all the excess deaths in the UK were caused by Omicron from January to July 2022, the number of excess deaths should be 14,192 (= 0.021% x 67.58 million), which was much lower than the expected number of 608,220.
On the other hand, if the Omicron-caused deaths explained the excess death rate in the UK, the excess death rate would be only 2.3 percent (=14,192/608,220 x 100), which was much lower than the excess death rate exhibited in the graph.
Therefore, the Omicron variant could not be the main cause of all the excess deaths in the UK.
This should also be the case in Germany, Australia, Israel, and the United States.