Corrupt Mainstream News Media

There is the complete collapse of the mainstream journalism in the United States and as some in the UK as we know it. The insane frenzy trying to destroy Donald Trump is not limited to the Clinton campaign and the current President Obama. It goes much further then that, it's the unbelievable partisanship by the elite media, which unlike anything seen by anyone in America.

When you take a look at the largest broadcast networks - CBS, NBC and ABC - and the major newspapers like New York Times and Washington Post, they have dropped all the pretense of fair play. Their fierce determination to keep the Republicans and Trump out of the end game and become President of the United States has no precedent. No foreign enemy, no terror group, no criminal gang has suffered the daily terror of the beatings of the media that Trump does.

The media, ‘Fourth Estate’ of a democracy, serves as watchdog to guard freedom in a country. But when the Fourth Estate becomes a tool of criminals, the democracy is under threat.

The aftermath of the elections could lead to the collapse of the major media houses. The main reason for this is the blatant manipulation of the current media, which is now so obvious, that everyone notices it. The corrupt, toxic, adulterated, poisonous reporting can't be called journalism anymore and people take notice. More and more people rating the current mainstream media with the lowest ratings ever. The general public is starting the boycott the prominent news channels, like they already do with CNN.

Also the threats voiced by Trump does not promise much good for the media empire in America if he gets elected in office and he promises investigation and handling the media in a different way and limit them for a repeat. Trump has become a serious threat to vested interests – which is why no presidential candidate faced such calculated, calibrated multi-pronged ferocious assaults from the entire establishment forces, from outside US, from within his own political party, and from the media misleading themselves and the masses.

A systematic, sustained media disinformation campaign that distorts, demonizes and demeans someone can be propagated to such an extent that even those supporting the victim are ridiculed and which has no precedent. The problems this is causing is damaging for America and this is a very big understatement.

Here follows 46 'journalists' and their news organizations, who are working with the Clinton candidate against the Republican party, the Presidential candidate and their supporters and Republican voters with corrupt, toxic, adulterated, poisonous reporting:

  1. ABC - Cecilia Vega

  2. ABC - David Muir

  3. ABC - Diane Sawyer

  4. ABC - George Stephanoplous

  5. ABC - Jon Karl

  6. ABC – Liz Kreutz

  7. AP – Julie Pace

  8. AP – Ken Thomas

  9. AP – Lisa Lerer

  10. AURN – April Ryan

  11. Bloomberg - John Heillman

  12. Bloomberg - Mark Halperin

  13. Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein

  14. Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer

  15. CBS - Norah O'Donnel

  16. CBS - Vicki Gordon

  17. CBS – Steve Chagaris

  18. CNBC – John Harwood

  19. CNN - Brianna Keilar

  20. CNN - David Chalian

  21. CNN - Gloria Borger

  22. CNN - Jeff Zeleny

  23. CNN - John Berman

  24. CNN - Kate Bouldan

  25. CNN - Mark Preston

  26. CNN - Sam Feist

  27. CNN – Dan Merica

  28. Daily Beast - Jacky Kucinich

  29. Huffington Post – Amanda Terkel

  30. LAT – Evan Handler

  31. LAT – Mike Memoli

  32. MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald

  33. McClatchy – Anita Kumar

  34. NBC – Mark Murray

  35. NPR – Tamara Keith

  36. NYT – Amy Chozik

  37. NYT – Maggie Haberman

  38. National Journal – Emily Schultheis

  39. Politico – Annie Karni

  40. Politico – Gabe Debenedetti

  41. Reuters – Amanda Becker

  42. The Hill – Amie Parnes

  43. WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson

  44. WSJ – Laura Meckler

  45. WSJ – Peter Nicholas

  46. Washington Post – Anne Gearan