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- America is a Violent, Crime Infested, Inflation-Wracked, Nuclear-Threatened Police-State, Which Can Explode Any Moment
America is a Violent, Crime Infested, Inflation-Wracked, Nuclear-Threatened Police-State, Which Can Explode Any Moment

Millions of people are flooding America from its open Southern Border, overrunning the communities and cities. The strong increase of crime in America is unprecedented. Those increases are especially noticeable in left-run communities and cities. People are being robbed, raped and killed straight in front of hundreds of people in broad daylight, and nobody interferes or cares, except being filmed with their stupid mobile phones.
In all left-ruled cities, police is defunded and logically understaffed. Police is not able to protect the cities and communities anymore, those are turned into lawless, crime infested cesspools of misery and suffering.

The economy is cracking, inflation all-time high, without any hope of being fixed. The share market is cracking and crashing, with heavy losses everywhere, trillions of investment dollars are lost, pension funds are almost gone and worth nothing anymore.
If that is not enough, we see the FBI is being used as a political tool for Biden and Democrats, targeting half of the American population and arresting members of the opposite political party, bully the previous President, breaking many federal laws and nobody is doing anything about it. The party in charge, the Democrats, are running the phony-court of unarmed protesters at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and lock their (first in America) political prisoners up for tens of years.

There is an aggressive campaign in America by the FBI and other American authorities and institutions, which fights against the free speech. If someone wants to say something different that the regime likes, they will be ‘canceled’ and their personal life destroyed. All public, mainstream and social media is under control of the Democrats and the regime, and they use that as a propaganda platform to repress the other political party in America.
The left politicalizes and weaponizes the tax authorities and plan to target the middle classes and those people who are conservatives with the intention to ruin them.
Anarchy is ruling many cities and communities in America with not enough police to interfere and stop the violent crime waves, and it gets worse by the day. The politician of the left double down their policies, which makes it impossible for normal innocent citizens to live and work in their communities.

They undermine the law and order, so that in many left run cities, criminals are not being punished or stopped. They can go into any store and take what they want without paying.
In that same America, you see how young children from the age of three are submitted to hard porn, same-sex, pedophilia, and other extreme forms of sex, resulting in brainwashing, and there is nothing what can be done against it. If someone tries to protest, such person will be ‘canceled’ (banks will remove your accounts, you are being fired, your name will be used to slander, schools might refuse your kids, etc.). The same is for older children … they get groomed to change gender and pushed to be castrated.
American society is paralyzed and can’t do anything about it. Those who protest will be aggressively bullied into silence or social existence without job and money. Conservative politicians are being bullied, arrested and harassed.

With the southern border gone, tens of thousands of Americans lose their lives because of the uncontrolled flood of drugs, which streams in America everywhere. The most dangerous drugs are now so cheap, that’s so easy to try some, and many will not survive to share the experience.

The once so successful energy industry of America is purposely being destroyed, and the regime tries to force the nation to use none-existing and applicable green energy, with as result that now a whole range of industries are under existential threat. Whole communities all over America might have problems to heat their homes and cook their food in the rapidly approaching winter. With the rapidly disappearing diesel, shops might not receive their goods, food crisis are on the horizon.
And if that all is not enough to destroy a once beautiful and powerful country, the regime is playing with fire and underestimate the Russian dictator’s threats about a nuclear attack. Even after multiple warnings of Putin, the President of Russia, the Biden regime continues, or actually, the regime double down its efforts to send weapons, intelligence and money to Ukraine, trying to undermine Russia even more.
And you know what?

You see the same happen in Europe. Only there they are ahead on the path of self-destruction compared with that of America. Europe is being ruled by a bunch of technocrats, which are not elected. They did all the above like in America, only more intensive, and bringing the continent on its knees. Europe runs for a time already on very high inflation numbers, the woke unelected politicians are running the show for most of their member states, influenced and corrupted local and national elections, caused economical disaster and now the multiple crises within Europe are everywhere popping up.
In Europe, the technocrats blocked oil and gas coming into the EU without alternatives, with as results that this winter Europe’s population will freeze to death, and they can’t use their gas to cook their food. If I was an elder with a small pension in Europe, the chance of surviving this winter in Europe is very small.
And because of the energy crisis, it’ll start a domino effect, and it will ravage through industrial Europe, closing one factory after the other, bringing more social hardship to the European population.

I’m not ready with the description of the current geopolitical happenings. We have the threats of extreme states like North Korea, who’s playing with its nuclear arsenal, eying the Americans and South Korean’s brothers are sisters. You have also Iran, who is trying by all means to get their nuclear weapon, who they say they will use on NYC and/or Israel. Then we have China, who’s already preparing for war with the US. And all of those bad actors are doing it all in the open. Russia did the impossible and went for a land grab in Ukraine. Nobody expected that to happen in this way, but Putin did it anyway. Now it’s waiting for the next move of China, Iran and North Korea.
And talking about war, look at the war currently in Ukraine, which is being invaded by Russia and the miracle happened, Russia’s invasion was being stalled by the Ukrainian army with western help. What’s bad on that situation is that if the Ukrainians continue with fighting, they will win the war, but it will force Putin to make extreme measures to keep him in power. The use or consideration of use of tactical nuclear weapons are being more likely by the day, and that is likely Putin’s last resort. He’ll be in a situation, where he has nothing to lose anymore.
The tragic fact is that the western powers vetoed the start of the peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.
With all the bad news, the bad situation in America and Europe, there will always be masses of people voting those people in or keeping them in power. It’s unbelievable.
And this winter, when the elderly and weak die in their apartments and houses, where families will be forced to go out, take their food in the shops (if available) and fight the authorities, because there is nothing to eat, no jobs, no future, no transport, being locked up in their cities and communities, they will regret their choices, but then it’s too late. When the next elections will arrive, the survivors have forgotten the disasters and who was responsible for them and allow themselves to be brainwashed.
And if that’s not enough, your future grandchildren from three years old will be used as sex toys by the adults, coming from far away (mainly Arab and African) countries, and they will be able to do so by American or European law and there is nothing that anyone can do about (anymore). Your children will be taken from you and placed in special reeducation camps, where they will be brainwashed into those little sheep, controlled by the massive overblown state. This will be the modern version of slavery.
No country in the world, neither any country in the history of mankind, not even the time of Emperor Nero and Caligula looking at the burning ancient Rome, was as corrupt as what you can see happening in America and Europe. And this is only the beginning.

And if you think that this is the end, think again. This whole moral pollution of the common human behavior will lead to something more terrible than Hitler and Stalin together might have dreamt up.